\osborne\nj\njtax  Updated: 8/10/2008

Sussex Co., NJ Tax Ratables, 1773-1822

   (SLFHL 0865491)

After 1781 the only tax records given are tax summaries with no personal
information.  Tax lists exist for only some of the Sussex Co. townships.

Hardyston Twp
    1773  no Osborns

Sep 1774  Danil Oasburn         10

May 1780  Berzele Osborne Jur.  14
          Dainel Osburn         25    10
          Thomas Osborn Jur.
          Thomas Osborn         30    30

Aug 1780  B--zele Osburn Jur.   --    46
          Danniel Osburn        25    31
          Thomas Osborn Jur.
          Thomas Osborn         30    30

Jan 1781  Bezele Osburn Sen.
          Bezele Osburn Jur.    20    40
          Danniel Osburn        25    31
          <many entries in the tax list for this year were too faint to read>