\gen\doane  9/19/99

1790 "First Census" of KY, Charles B. Heineman,
        Baltimore, Gen. Pub. Co., 1965.

No Doanes recorded.
[Note:  Hezeziah Doane was in Bourbon Co. in 1790, but the author of this
        work mistranscribed "Dones" as "Dowes".]

1790 NC Census
        free males>=16, free males<16, free females, other free, slaves

  Vandever, Mathew      Irede 158  12400
        [Not located in the 1800 NC census]

1800 "Second Census" of KY, G. Glenn Clift,
        Baltimore, Gen. Pub. Co., 1970.

  Done, Hezekiah        Harrison        1800

1810 KY Census
        -10,10-16,16-26,26-45,45-,other free,slaves

  Done, Benjamin        Harr 317   2101-2201
        Sary            Harr 317   2001-00101
        Robert          Harr 317   2101-00001

1810 NC Census
        -10,10-16,16-26,26-45,45-,other free,slaves

  Vandiver, Matthew     Irede 242  22001-0041

1820 KY Census
        M -10,10-16,16-18,16-26,26-45,45-; F -10,10-16,16-26,26-45,45-

  Doane, Benjamin       Harr 176  210101-02101
  Doane, William        Harr 176  0001-001
  Done, James           Harr 156  1101-101
  Done, Hesekiah        Harr 156  321101-1101
  Done, Abner           Harr 158  20001-5<sic>

  Jones, Evin Sr.       Harr 134  000001-01001
  Jones, Evin Jr.       Harr 134  30001-2101

  Swinford, Jno.        Harr 138  020001-0
  Swinford, Jno.        Harr 138  1001-1101
  Swinford, Joshua      Harr 138  100001-3001
  Swinford, Thankful    Harr 176  0112-00101
  Swinford, Hezekiah    Harr 176  30001-2001
  Swinford, James       Harr 176  1101-001

1820 NC Census
        M -10,10-16,16-18,16-26,26-45,45-; F -10,10-16,16-26,26-45,45-

  Vandiver, Matthew     Irede 245  000011-00101

1830 KY Census

  Doan, Benjamin        Harr 180
  Doaw, William         Harr 180
  Allen, James          Harr 179
  Allen, James          Harr 177

1830 NC Census

  Vandiver, Matthew     Irede 038  000000001-000000001

1840 KY Census

  Doan, Benjamin        Harr 171
  Doan, Hamson          Harr 171
  Doane, Hezekiah       Pend 235

1840 NC Census

  Vandiver, Mathew      Irede 412

1850 Putnam Co., IN Census

p483 h49   Swinford, John       55 M KY  farmer
Madison Twp     Polly           55 F KY
9/11/1850       Nancy           16 F IN
           Closson, Polly Ann   18 F KY
           Adams, Sally Ann     85 F VA

p483 h50   Swinford, Saml       46 M KY  farmer
                Nancy           34 F KY
                Thankful        90 F SC
           Rusk, John           18 M VA  farmer
           Morris, Eliza         8 F IN

1850 Harrison Co., KY Census

p103 h782  Doan, Young H.       37 M KY  farmer
Dist. #1        Nancy           30 F KY
9/11/1850       Francis?        17 F KY
                Mary            15 F KY
                Elizabeth       13 F KY
                Bart?            9 M KY
                -----            7 M KY
                Lacretia         5 F KY
                Margaret         1 F KY
                Benj.           81 M NC
                Mary            75 F VA

1850 Iredell Co., NC Census

p412 h116  Vandiver, Mathew     98 M NC  farmer  $300 real estate
<no loc rec>, 7/27/1850,  (enumerated alone)

1860 Grant Co., KY Census

p826 h143  Doan, Hezekiah       46 M KY  farmer
Cordovia        Delilah         25 F KY
6/15/1860       James           14 M KY
                Sarah Ann       13 F KY
                Nancy           10 F KY
                Margaret         6 F KY
                Louisa           5 F KY
                William H.       4 M KY
                Hezekiah         2 M KY
                George          11 M KY

Index to KY Wills to 1851: The Testators, Ronald Vern Jackson,
        Salt Lake City, Accelerated Index Systems, 1977.

  Swinford, Joshua      Harr    B/44    1820  zip

KY County Court Records, Vol. I

        Janet K. Pease, Grant Co. Hist. Soc., Williamstown, KY, 1985.

Probate Abstracts, Grant Co., KY Book A, 1820-1833

p12. A/205.  Sale Bill: Estate of Hezekiah Doan, Feb. 1828;  Hiram Doan, James
  Doan, and John Roland among purchasers.

Probate Abstracts, Harrison Co., KY Will Book A, 1795-1818

p79. 1/139.  Sale Bill: Estate of Hezekiah Doan, Jan. 1810;  Purchasers: Jesse
  Barlow, John Berry, Robert Blackburn, Jonathan Claypool, Abner Doan, Benjamin
  Doan, Hezekiah Doan, Sarah Doan, Samuel Foster, Basil R.L. Holliday, Benjamin
  McFarland, George Million, Hugh Newell, Robert Newell Sr., William C. Perrin,
  Samuel Phillips, Jacob Rowland, John Rowland Sr., and James Swinford.

p88. 1/202.  Sale Bill: Estate of Elisha Swinford, July 1813;  Hezekiah Doan,
  Thankful Swinford (admr.), and Right Vandover among Purchasers.

p93. 1/243.  Sale Bill: Estate of Hezekiah Doan, July 1814;  Purchasers:
  Benjamin Doan, Mary Doan, Job Constable, Adam Kerl, Samuel Lovelace,
  Alexander McNeer, Josephus Perrin, Daniel Sap/Sass, Sarah Sap/Sass, William
  Sap/Sass, John Swinford, Thankful Swinford.

KY County Court Records, Vol. II

        Janet K. Pease, Grant Co. Hist. Soc., Williamstown, KY, 1985.

Orders Abstracts, Grant Co., KY Books A and B 1820-1845

p38. A/226.  John Rowland is apptd gdn to Hezekiah Doan, infant son of Hezekiah
  Doan, dec'd, who is under 14 years of age;  Security: Lewis Gregory;
  Feb. 1828.

p41. A/237.  John Rowland, gdn to Hezekiah Doan (also called Gilbert Doan), is
  allowed to bind his ward to Esau Byers, tanner;  Sep. 1828.

Records Abstracts, Harrison Co., KY Books A, B, D, and D 1794-1828

p37. B/347.  Hezekiah Doan is charged by Polly Sneed of this county, single
  woman, as being the father of her child;  Dec. 1813.

p95. D/362.  John S.? Pock is apptd gdn to Louisa Doan, infant orphan of
  Absalom Doan, dec'd.  Security: Benjamin Coonrod;  Feb. 1826.

Grant Co., KY  Will Book A  (SLFHL 0266214)

p204.  Appraisal of the Estate of Hezekiah Doan 2//1828.

Grant Co., KY  Will Book E  (SLFHL 0266215)

p163.  Will of Hezekiah Doane;  7/31/1863 prb. 8//1863;  Widow Delilah Jane
   Doane;  10 chn living: John W., James, Sally Ann, George W., Nancy Jane,
   Margaret A., Louisa, William H., Heziah, and Buel M.;  Some of these chn
   are underage.  [From KY County Court Records, Janet Pease, v II, p73]

Grant Co., KY Deed General Index  Books A-K  1820-1861  (SLFHL 0266205)

  K/215   Doan, Hesekiah        from  Wm. H. Moulden

Bourbon Co., KY Tax Records 1787-1806

        (SLFHL 0007879)

1787 - No Doanes or Swinfords

Dones, Hezekiah         1  1

Dones, Hezekiah         1  1

Dones, Hezekiah         1  1

Dones, Hezekiah         1
        Benjamin        1
Swinford, Joshua        1

Feb 25  Dones, Hezekiah         1  0
        Swinford, Joshua        1  0
                Elisha          1  0

Aug 21  Dones, Hezekiah         1  0
        Swinford, Joshua        1  0

1794 - No tax books

Harrison Co., KY Tax Records 1794-1808

        (SLFHL 0008021)

1794 - No Doanes or Swinfords

Jul 18  Doan, Hezekiah          1  0
        Swinford, Elisha        1  0    250 A  S. Licking
                Joshua          1  0

Aug 27  Doan, Hezekiah          1  0    (Book 1)
        Swinford, Elisha        1  0    250 A  S. Licking
                Joshua          0  0
Jun 23  Doan, Hezekiah          1  0    (Book 2)
    30  Swinford, James         1  0
                John            1  0

Jul 15  Doan, Hezekiah          1  0
    28          Hezekiah        1  0
Aug 15  Swinford, Elisha        1  0    200 A  S. Licking
                Joshua          1  0
Aug 20          John            1  0
    30          James           1  0

1798 - No tax book

Jun 18  Done, Hezekiah          1  0
Jun 14  Swinford, Elisha        1  0    150 A  Licking
                Joshua          1  0    50 A  Licking
Aug 17          John            1  0
                James           1  0

Jun 19  Done, Hezekiah          1  0
Apr 18  Swinford, John          1  0
                James           1  0
    29          Joshua          1  0    50 A  Licking
May 2           Elisha          1  0    150 A  Licking

Bourbon Co., KY Marr. Records


, Robert E. + Phyllis J. Selby, Kokomo, IN, 1982.

  12/29/1792    Dones, Rodana + David Burris
  10/10/1810    Doan, Abner + Jane Andrews, d. of John

Bourbon Co., KY Marr. Bonds


, Michael L. Cook, Utica, KY, McDowel Publications, 1980.

  12/29/1792    Done, Rodana + David Burris;  bm. G. Done
  10/10/1810    Doan, Abner + Jane Andrews;  bm. John Andrews

Harrison Co., KY Marr. 1794-1827

        KY Court Records, Grant-Harrison-Pendleton, Vol. 6, "Harrison Co.
                Marr. and Bonds 1794-1813", Janet K. Pease, 1989.
        KY Court Records, Grant-Harrison-Pendleton, Vol. 7, "Harrison Co.
                Marr. and Bonds 1814-1827", Janet K. Pease, 1990.

p30     ROWLAND, John and Rebeckhah DOAN.  Bond #24.
        BOND DATE:  5 Jan 1801.  Bondsman:  Joshua SWINFORD.
        Consent of Hezekiah and Sarah DOANE for the marr. of their dau.
        Rebeckah, to John ROWLAND Jun'r.  "They are to be marr. at my house",
        (referring to Hezekiah's house).
        Attest:  Jacob BURKS, Joshua SWINFORD jr and one more name which I
        cannot correct read.
        MARR. DATE:  8 Jan 1801.  1st marr. book, p7.  Bride's name written
        as Rebecca DONE.

p65     CLAYPOLE, Jonathan and Hannah DOAN.  Bond #559.
        BOND DATE:  19 March 1808.  Bondsman: Hezekiah (X) DOAN.
        MARR. DATE:  not recorded in 1st marr. book.

p79     DOAN, Hezekiah (X) and Patsy SNEED.  Bond #663.
        BOND DATE:  6 Feb 1810.  Bondsman: John (X) SWINFORD.
        MARR. DATE:  18 Feb 1810.  1st marr. book, p16.

p80     JONES, Evan and Lilly JONES.  Bond #674.
        BOND DATE:  14 March 1810.  Bondsman: Hezekiah (X) DOAN.
        MARR. DATE:  15 March 1810.  1st marr. book, p16.
        Bride's name is given as Tilly DOAN in marr. register.

p92     CARRIL(L), Henry and Sally DOAN.  Bond #776.
        BOND DATE:  29 Oct 1811.  Bondsman: Benjamin DOAN.
        MARR. DATE:  30 Oct 1811.  1st marr. book, p18.
        Groom's name in marr. book given as CARRELL: groom signed bond
        as Henry CARROLL.

p95     JONES, John and Elizabeth DOAN.  Bond #798.
        BOND DATE:  3 March 1812.  Bondsman: Hezekiah (X) DOAN.
        MARR. DATE:  5 March 1812.  1st marr. book, p19.

p28     DOAN, James and Susanah HERRIN.  Bond #1129.
        BOND DATE:  16 Dec 1816.  Bondsman: John (X) HALL.
        MARR. DATE:  19 Dec 1916.  Page 26.

p38     PERRIN, Joseph L. and Polly DOAN.  Bond #1209.
        BOND DATE:  7 Nov 1817.  Bondsman: Benjamin DOAN.
        MARR. DATE:  not recorded.

Marriages below are all taken from Marr. Book 2, bound with 2nd Harrison Co.
Probate Book, following page 537.  Marriages are not paged.

p65     WHALON, John and Cynthia SNEED.  Bond #1437.
        BOND DATE:  21 Aug 1820.  Bondsman: William KEES.
        Consent of Hezekiah DOAN for the marr. of "my dau." to marry
          John WHATAN (sic).
        Consent is also signed by Marthew (sic) DOAN.  Attest: Absalom DOAN.
        Consent of Henry WHALING for the marr. of "my son John".
        Attest: William Sneed, William Kees/Feez?
        MARR. DATE: 1 Sep 1820 (but recorded among 1822-1823 marr.).

p69     DONE, Absalom and Vicy ADAMS.  Bond #1462.
        BOND DATE:  8 Jan 1821.  Bondsman: Absalom ADAMS.
        Consent of Hezekiah DOAN, for the marr. of "my son Absalom".
        Attest: Wiliam Sneed and Dolly Sneed.
        MARR. DATE:  recorded twice in marr. book 2, both giving dates
          19 Jan 1821.  Parties' names given as Absolom DOAN and Levisey
          ADAMS in 1st recording; and as Absolom DOANE and Levisey ADAMS in
          2nd record.

p84     ALLEN, James and Nancy DOANE.  Bond #1592.
        BOND DATE:  23 May 1822.  Bondsman: Benjamin DOANE.
        MARR. DATE:  23 May 1822.  Bride's name spelled DONE.

p130    POCK, John L. and Vicy DOAN.  Bond #1974.
        BOND DATE:  21 Dec 1825.  Bondsman: Benjamin Conrad.
        MARR. DATE:  20<sic> Dec 1825.

p135    DOAN, Hezekiah and Matilda BERRY.  Bond #2015.
        BOND DATE:  3 June 1826.  Bondsman: John BERRY.
        "Married 3? (8?) June 1826, by me Gerrard RILEY"
        MARR. DATE:  3 June 1826.  Groom's name spelled DOANE.

Harrison Co., KY Marr. Index
        (SLFHL 0216877)  Copied through 1850.

RecNo Bond Date   Marr. Date

263   1/5/1801    1/8/1801    Doan, Rebecca + John Rowland by Wm. Robinson VDM
559   3/19/1808   3/22/1808   Doan, Hannah + Jonathan Claypole by Alex Monroe
668   2/6/1820    2/8/1810    Doan, Hezekiah + Patsy Sneed by John Conner
674   3/14/1810   3/15/1810   Doan, Lilly + Evan Jones by John Conner
776   10/29/1811  10/29/1811  Doan, Sallie + Henry Carroll by John Conner MG
798   3/3/1812    3/5/1812    Doan, Elizabeth + John Jones by John Conner MG
1129  12/16/1816  12/19/1816  Doan, James + Susannah Herrin by John Conner
1209  11/7/1817   ------      Doan, Polly + Joseph L. Perrin
1462  1/8/1821    1/19/1821   Doane, Absolem + Nicy Adams by John R. Moreland
                                        (Vicy Adams?)
1592  5/23/1822   5/23/1822   Doan, Nancy + James Allen by Gerrard Riley
1975  12/17/1825  12/20/1825  Doan, Vicey + John L. Pock? by W. Morrow
                                        (bond #1974?)
2015  6/3/1826    6/3/1826    Doan, Hizekiah + Matilda Berry by Gerrard Riley
2344  10/21/1829  ------      Doan, Hiram + Catharine Carr
2443  11/11/1830  ------      Doan, Benjamin + Rosanah D. Moore(Moone?)
2586  8/14/1832   8/14/1832   Doane, Y.H. + Nancy Henry by R. Gidings
3018  10/21/1836  ------      Doane, Lucinda + Robert White
3605  3/20/1843   3/22/1843   Doane, B. Jackson + Catharine Jones
                                        by Patterson Smith

Rowan Co., NC Marr.

        Marr. of Rowan Co., NC 1753-1868, Brent H. Holcomb,
          Baltimore, Gen. Pub. Co., 1981.

  p389  Swinford, Elisha + Thankfull Dow<sic>, 26 Oct 1784;  Kainser Rodger,

  p389  Swinford, Joshua + Marey Doan, 8 April 1788;  Isaciah Doan, bondsman;
                Dd. Caldwell, wit.

  p407  Vandever, Mathew + Sarah Doane, 4 March 1779;  Hezekiah Doane,
                bondsman;  Wm. R. Davie, wit.

Harrison Co., KY Deaths 1852-1859

        (SLFHL 0216826)

Benjn. Doane, d. 7 Apr 1852 in Harrison Co., age 84, of old age, farmer,
                res. Harrison Co., KY;  b. NC;  parents not rec.

Esther A. Rowland, d. 10 Jan 1852 in Harrison Co., age 83, of old age,
                female, res. Harrison Co., b. NC, parents not rec.

Abstracts of Wills + Estates Records of Rowan Co., NC 1753-1805 and Tax
Lists of 1759 + 1778, Jo White Linn, Salisbury, NC, 1980.

  p37  Hezekiah Doane + James Swinford exrs. of will of Nathan Roby;
        will made 10/25/1786 prb. 1788;  Book C/93.

  p122  Hezekiah Dono<sic>  104.12.0 pounds;  1778 Rowan Co. Tax List, Capt.
                Calldwell's Dist.

Harrison Co., KY Deed Index  D  1794-1894  (SLFHL 0216845)

3/36    1801    Doan, Hezekiah  fr  N. Merriweather     100 A  S. Licking
5/113   1815    "               fr  C. Supinger         97.25 A  Mill Cr.
5/357   1818    " exr           to  Alexr McNees        100 A  S. Licking
6/142   1819    "               to  A. Pock             30 A  Mill Cr.
6/266   1819    "               fr  McFall              97 A  Mill Cr.
7/337   1821    "               to  Robt. Madison       85.75 A  Mill Cr.
8/110   1822    "               fr  H. Chandler         34 A  Mill Cr.
8/469   1823    " + Absolom     to  Margaret Hull       33.5 A  Mill Cr.
10/74   1826    " + @           to  Nancy McNees        44.25 A  S. Licking
11/64   1828    "               to  Geo. W. Berry       undivided int
21/342  1845    "               to  Nancy Truesdale     23 A  S. Licking

1790 NC Census

        free males>=16, free males<16, free females, other free, slaves

Doan, Jacob             Chatham Co.     85  11200
        John                            85  41600
        Joseph                          85  12300
        Thomas                          85  12400
        John            Rowan Co.       183 12400
Vandever, Mathew        Iredell Co.     158 22400

NC Wills: A Testator Index 1665-1900, Thornton W. Mitchell, 2nd ed.,
        Baltimore, Gen. Pub. Co., 1992.

  Doan, George          024     c1700   SS 874.2/121
  Doan, John            022     c1801   WB-A/43         AR      zip

022     Chatham Co.
024     Chowan Co.

SS      Secretary of state records in the State Archives.  The symbol is
          followed by a 3 or 4-digit number which is the shelf number of a
          volume in the SS record group, slash(/), and page number.
AR      Indicates that the original will (or a copy) is in the NC State Arch.

New Hanover Co., NC Grantee Deed Index C-G 1729-1925  (SLFHL 0019382)

  No Doane entries before 1860.

New Hanover Co., NC Grantor Deed Index C-D 1729-1925  (SLFHL 0019377)

  E/396  1768   B for T Doane, Hezekiah + @ to James Alexander + @
  F/8    1773   deed    Doane, Hezekiah to Alexander McDougal
  H/290  1785   deed    Doane, Hezekiah to David Bailey
  KK/433 1853   QCD     Doane, Joseph to Jacob Wessel

Rowan Co., NC Grantee Deed Index  (SJFHC 5576)

  p442  1787-90  Done, Hezekiah from State of NC     grant   11/177
                        [Note: I could not locate a sale of this land in the
                         Rowan Co. Grantor Deed Index.]

Colonial Records of NC

Doan 25/264

15/190.  List of taxables, New Hanover Co., Wilmington Dist., April 1780
           Joseph Bland

15/237.  Poll Book of Wilmington, 1780
           Jeremiah Doan, James Bland, Joseph Bland

22/286.  Hezeciah Doan attended the alarm at Wilmington on 4 Sep. 1748,
           belonging to Capt. John Sampson Company.

Colony of NC 1735-1764 Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol. 1, Margaret M.
        Hofmann, Weldon, NC, The Roanoke News Co., 1982.

p49/698; Patent Bk 2/115;  Hezekiah Doan, 23 Feb. 1754, 164 acres in New
  Hanover Co on the W side of Black river being the place where William Keith
  lived, joining the river Swamp, Bryant Lee, the head of Great pocoson, and
  the sd. river.

p309/4335;  Bk 13/421;  John Crutchfield, 21 Dec. 1763, 200 acres in Bladen Co.
  on the S side of Black river, joining Briddles Bluff, Hezekiah Doan Jr., Mr.
  Watters, and the side of the river.

p420/5960;  Bk 15/391;  William Bland, 5 Dec. 1761, 250 acres in Duplin Co. on
  Matthews branch above Sol. Carter, joining a Path and a Glade.

p444/6313;  Bk 15/449;  Hezekiah Doan Jr., 15 Nov. 1762, 100 acres in Bladen
  Co. on the W side of Black river, joining Water's Line.

p451/6414;  Bk 15/472;  William Bland, 19 Apr 1763, 50 acres in Duplin Co. on
  the E side of the N.E. River about 4 miles above Saracta Bridge Branch,
  joining Nicholas Worldley.

p514/7263;  Bk 17/75;  James Bland, 2 Nov. 1764, 500 acres in New Hanover on
  both sides of Bull Tail Swamp (which is) a branch of Rockfish Creek, joining
  Joshua Lea, Joseph Blake, and the Swamp in the fork of sd. Bull Tail and the
  Doctors Creek.

p514/7264;  Bk 17/75;  James Bland, 2 Nov. 1764, 300 acres in New Hanover --
  Including a place called the White Oak Swamp and some Meadows at the Great
  Road on the E side of Black River about 2 miles from the River, joining a
  Savannah, John Rowe, a Meadow, and Joseph Blake.

Colony of NC 1765-1775 Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol. 2, Margaret M.
        Hofmann, Weldon, NC, The Roanoke News Co., 1984.

p38/487;  Bk 18/224;  Hezekiah Doane Jr., 30 Oct. 1765, 640 acres in Bladen
  between Coleys Swamp and black river, joining Samuel Watters.

Hist. of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison, and Nicholas Cos., KY, William
        Henry Perrin, Chicago, O.L. Baskin & Co., 1882.

page 702.
   Y.H. DOAN, farmer;  P.O. Berry;  was born in Harrison Co., KY, Dec. 19,1812,
and is the son of Benjamin and Mary (Burks) Doan.  They were among the old
pioneers of Harrison Co.;  he was a native of NC, and she was born in VA;  he
was a farmer by occupation, and at the age of nineteen years became a resident
of Fleming Co., KY, but subsequently moved to Harrison Co., where he died in
1852, aged 84 years.  His wife survived him but two years, she dying in 1854,
aged 78 years.  Mr. Doan lived with his parents until their death, having for
10 years previous to their death cared for and supported them.  In 1832 he was
married to Mis Nancy Henry;  13 children have been born to them, 6 of whom are
living, viz.: William B., John B., Elizabeth J., Lucretia R., Nancy M., and
Margaret A.;  His family are members of the Christian Church.  Mr. Doan has
spent his life in Harrison Co., engaged in farming;  he has a farm of 220
acres, and is considered one of the substantial, enterprising citizens of the
community in which he resides.

page 704.
   B.M. SWINFORD, farmer;  P.O. Berry;  was born in Harrison Co., KY, June 7,
1815, and is the son of H.H. and Mickie (Perrin) Swinford.  His father was a
native of Harrison Co., and born in 1789;  he worked for many years at the
blacksmithing business, and then engaged in farming, in which he was interested
at the time of his death, which occurred in 1840;  politically he was a Demo-
crat.  The mother of B.M. died in 1847;  both his parents were members of the
Christian Church;  remainder of biography not copied.

page 713.
   JOHN SWINFORD, farmer;  P.O. Rutland;  was a native of Harrison Co., where
he was born March 17, 1837.  His grandfather, John Swinford, came from NC very
early and settled in Harrison Co.;  he died at advanced age of 70 years.  His
grandfather on mother's side, Edmund Pollard, was a soldier in the Rev. War.
His father, Matthew Swinford, was born in Harrison Co., in the year 1800;  he
was a cooper by trade, but farming was his principle occupation;  he died in
native county, age 70 years;  remainder of biography not copied.

The Mayflower Descendant, MA Society of Mayflower Descendants, Boston,
        George Ernest Bowman.

E = Eastham Vital Records

6/13  E [p32] Ephraim Doane and Mary Knowles was Maried the : 5th of feburarie
                : 1667.
              Ephraim Doane a Daughter borne name patience the 28th of Jenuarie
                1668 and died in the year : 1675.
              Ephraim Doane a Daughter borne named apphiah : the 18th of July
              Ezekiah doane the sonne of Ephraim doane was borne the last
                weke in agust: 1672.
              Thomas doane the son of Ephraim doane was born the fourth day of
                September 1674.
              Ebenezer doane the son of Ephraim doane was born in the month of
                aprill in the yeare : 1676.
              Nehemiah doane the son of Ephraim doane was born in the month of
                august in the year : 1670(sic) and died in feburarie in the
                year : 1674(sic).
              patience doane the daughter of Ephraim doane was born the last
                week in aprill : 1682.
              Ruhama doane the daughter of Ephraim doane was borne the last
                day of aprill : 1685.
6/14  E [p35] John doane Junior and Mehitabel Scuder weare Maried the last day
                of June in the year : 1686.
7/237 E [p70] David Younge and Ann Doane weare Maried the twentieth day of
                Jenuary in the year : 1687:.
8/16  E [p75a]Nehemiah Doane the son of Hezekiah and Hannah Doane was borne
                the seventeenth day of December In the year 1692.
              Mary Doane the Daughter of Hezekiah and Hannah Doane was borne
                the last day of august : In the year : 1694.
              Ephriam Doane the son of Hezekiah and Hannah Doane was borne the
                first day of april in the year 1696:.
8/89  E [p78a]John doane and Rebecca Pette weare Maried the : 14th of Jenuarie
                : 1684<sic>.
              John Doan Senior dyed the fifteenth day of March : 1707/8.
        [p79] John Doane and Hannah Banges was marryed the last of Aprell 1662.

Records of Plymouth Colony 1633-1689, George E. Bowman, Baltimore,
        Gen. Pub. Co., 1979.

p57  Eastham
  Constant Done, the son of John Cole, was borne the 7th day of March, 1667/68.
  Ephraim Done and Mercye Knowles were married the 5th of February, 1667.
  Patience Done, the daughter of Ephraim Done, was borne the 28th of Jan. 1668.
  Apphiah Done, the daughter of Ephraim Done, was born the 28th of July, 1670.
  Isaac Done, the son of John Done, was borne the second of June, 1670.

The Doane Family and their Descendants
        Alfred Alder Doane, Boston, 2nd ed. 1960.


Eastham in the Colony of New Plimouth in New England this 18th of May 1768
I John Doane aged eighty and eight years or thereabout;  To my loving wife;
dau. Abigal Doane;  son John Doane executor;  son Daniel Doane;  son Ephraim
Doane;  granddau. Margaret Hixs;  Signed John Doane;  Wit: Samuel Freeman,
Gershom Hall;  Samuel Freeman attested to will on 2 June 1686 and Gershom Hall
attested to will on 31 May 1687;  Recorded 8 June 1687.


7 Dec. 1699, Ephraim Doane of ye Town of Eastham in ye County of Barnstable in
ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay in N. England;  wife Mary Doane;  children
(not named) by my former wife;  children my now beloved wife had by her former
husband John Snow;  Signed Ephraim (E) Doane;  Wit: Joseph Doane, Mary (m)
Snow, and Jona. Sparrow.


A Vision of Unity: The Bland Family in England and America, 1555-1900
        Charles L. Bland, Williamsville, NY, 1982.

The will of James Bland of New Hanover Co. was made 1766 according to this
book.  Also, Sarah Annesey was probably Sarah Hennessey.

There is a reference to "Bland Family Court and Bible Records" by a Mrs. James
as being filed in the SLFHL.

Abstract of transcription of the will of William Bland of Duplin Co., NC:
  William Bland of Duplin Co., NC;  Son William Bland;  Grandson James Bland,
  son of William Bland and Rachel his wife;  Son Thomas Bland;  Son Charles
  Bland;  Dau. Mary Parker;  Son James Bland;  Son John Bland;  Will made
  19 March 1775;  Signed William Bland;  Wit: Thomas (X) Lee, Hardy (X)
  Powell;  Rachel (X) Powell;  Recorded in Duplin Co., NC Will Book A, p25.

NC Wills: A Testator Index 1665-1900, Thornton W. Mitchell, 2nd ed.,
        Baltimore, Gen. Pub. Co., 1992.

x Bland, James          070     1774    WB-C/23         AR
  Bland, John           022     1827    WB-B/137        AR      zip
  Bland, Moses          081     1800    WB-2/60         AR
  Bland, Thomas         047     c1772   063 WB-1/70
  Bland, Thomas         063     1791    WB-1/169
x Bland, William        035     1775    WB-A/25         AR

022     Chatham Co.             063     Martin Co.
035     Duplin Co.              070     New Hanover Co.
047     Halifax Co.             081     Randolph Co.

SS      Secretary of state records in the State Archives.  The symbol is
          followed by a 3 or 4-digit number which is the shelf number of a
          volume in the SS record group, slash(/), and page number.
AR      Indicates that the original will (or a copy) is in the NC State Arch.

New Hanover Co., NC Original Wills  (SLFHL 0019357)

Will of James Bland of NC but late of VA, planter;  Son William Bland, land in
  Prince Williams Co., VA;  Sone James Buchannon Bland, remaining tract;  Dau.
  Elizabeth Lober land I bought of Magness Cowings;  Dau. Catharine Sanders
  all the land on the Red bank branch;  Granddau. Elizabeth Wells;  Dau. Sarah
  Annesey;  Dau. Anne Bland;  Dau. Lettice Bland;  Wife Mary;  Exr: Son William
  Bland, son James Buckhannon Bland, wife Mary Bland, Samuel Arsh, + Job
  (John?) Arsh;  Written 11 Sep 17_6;  Signed James Bland;  Wit: Hardy Powell,
  his mark, Rachel Powell her mark, Isaac Carter, Wm. Lee;  Recorded New
  Hanover Co., NC Will Book C, p23 by order of Sept. court, 1845.

New Hanover Co., NC Wills + Estate Papers Giles-Keane,  (SLFHL 1577608)

Will of John Henesey, 1756.
Will of John Henesey of Newhanover Co., Province of <blotted out>, carpenter.
Tract of land on Tuckaho to nephews John Henesey + Jemmy Henesey;  Also give
to said nephews John + James Henesey;  Chn of my brother David Henesey;
Sister Margarett Henesey;  Wife Catharine Henesey;  My child Mary Henesey;
Exrs: brother David Henesey + William Robinson;  made 22 Nov. 1756;  Signed
Jno. Henesey;  Wit: Wm. Robinson, John Simpson, and James Parrell, his mark.

New Hanover Co., NC Grantor Deed Index H-M 1729-1925  (SLFHL 0019378)

  D/122  1755  POA      Henesey, John to Joseph Portenint Atty al
  D/256  ----  Will     Henesey, John al to John Henesey
  E/171  1765  Deed     Hennesey, John+Sally to Rendal Ramsey
  E/376  1767  Deed     Hennesey, James+Sarah to Thomas Corbett
  F/109  1770  Deed     Hennesey, James to Onimus Futch
  G/104  1777  Deed     Henesey, John to Anasimus Futch
  L-2/746 ---  Deed     Hennesey, Allen to Stephen Williamson
  P/627  1818  Deed     Hennesey, Sarah+@ to John G. Morris
  Q/339  1819  Deed     Hennesey, Sarah+@ to Aaron Rowe+@

New Hanover Co., NC Grantee Deed Index H-M 1729-1925  (SLFHL 0019383)

  D/256  ----  Will     Henesey, David exr, Catherine, John & James, Margaret,
                                David, Mary, Hrs. of David, from John Henesey
  E/52   1763  Deed     Hennesey, James from Allen Sloan
  H/319  ----  Grant    Heanicy, William from State of NC
  L-1/336 1796 Deed     Henesy, Allen from Naman Carter
  P/414  1817  Deed     Hennesey, John from Jacob Powell
  P/524  1817  Deed     Henesey, +@, George from Bartholomew Burns
  N/4    1805  Deed     Hennesy, William from William Moore


Records of Plymouth Colony 1633-1689, George E. Bowman, Baltimore,
        Gen. Pub. Co., 1979.

p12  1651. Plym. Regest of the Beirth of their Children
        Samuel Knowles, son of Richard Knowles, born the 17th of Sept.
p15  Att the Towne of Eastham
        Mehitabell, the dau. of Richard Knowles, born the 20th of May, 1652.
p30  The Regester of Eastham
        Mehetabell, the dau. of Richard Knowles, was born the 20th of May,
        Barbery, the dau. of Richard Knowles, was born the 28th of Sept., 1656.
p57  To the honere Court holden att Plymouth
        Ephraim Done and Mercye Knowles were married the 5th of Feb., 1667.
        John Knowles and Apphiah Bangs were married the 28th of Dec., 1670.