\gen\bourgett\chambrld 8/22/93
1851 Bellechasse Co., Quebec Census
(SJFHC 4163)
Parish of St. Michel age occup. birthplace
p7 l10 Chamberland, Vital 43 Pilote St. Michel
Forgues, Vital 45 wife "
Chambld., Justine 15 dau. "
Ehphrime 13 son "
Olimpe 11 dau. "
Alzida 2 dau. "
Chamberland, Adele 19 coutiviere "
p11 l8 Chambrld., Alexandre 44 Pilote+Cult. St. Gervais
Bacquet, Francoise 39 wife St. Michel
Chambld., Arthemisa 12 dau. "
Horelie 11 " "
Honorecus 10 son "
Achille 7 " "
Honesyme 6 " "
Olympe 4 dau. "
Adelline 2 " "
p11 l24 Chambld., Emoure 1 son of Al. Chambld. St. Michel
p21 l2 Rousseau, Majorique 29 Forgeron St. Michel
Chamberland, Adelaide 23 wife "
(+3 chn, oldest 6)
p23 l42 Chamberland, George 25 Navigateur St. Michel (res. St. Gervais)
Bouchard, Hermine 35 wife "
Chamberld., Marie 3 dau. "
Olympe 2 " "
Joseph G. 1 son "
p25 l16 Chamberland, Louis 64 Navigateur St. Michel
Clairmont, Marie 62 wife "
Chamberland, Luce 28 dau. "
Marie Anne 18 " Quebec
Julie 17 " St. Michel
p27 l27 Asselin, Jean 54 Pilote St. Charles
Chamberland, Marie 42 wife St. Michel
(+12 chn, oldest 19)
p35 l5 Chamberld., Julie 17 servante St. Michel
(ew Michel Turgeon + family)
p47 l21 Chamberland, Antoine 80 Rentier St. Michel
Antoine 45 son "
Mercier, Angele 45 wife of son "
Chamberld., Narcisse 19 son of son "
Elziot 13 " "
Hermineqil 9 " "
Eugene 8 " "
Celina 17 dau. of son "
Euphrenie 12 " "
Chamberld., Merey 5 orpheline "
p71 l24 Cattellier, Michel 38 Cultivateur St. Michel
Chamberland, Constance 33 wife "
(+5 chn, oldest 10)
p99 l22 Chamberland, Antoine 36 Cultivateur St. Michel
Thibault, Cusarie 34 wife St. Francois
Chamberland, Philomine 11 dau. St. Michel
Archange 10 " "
Dasemge(?) 3 " "
Alexis 8 son "
Narcisse 6 " "
Joseph 4 " "
Damose 2 " "
Celestin 1 " "
Chamberland, Laurent 65 "<sic> " widower
p99 l33 Brocher, Michel 33 Cultivateur "
Chamberland, Marie 30 wife "
(+5 chn, oldest 7)
St. Michel, Bellechasse
Parish Register Index
(SJFHC 4649)
Chamberland Entries
B 1699 3/51 Marie Catherine - B 1821 161 Adelaide
B 1701 15/89 Jenevieve - B 1822 180 M. Sophie
S 1703 30/30 Marie Catherine - S 1822 180 M. Sophie
B 1703 32/132 Ignace - B 1823 12 M. Agathe
B 1705 49/178 Pierre x S 1823 18 George
1718-1729 does not appear to be x B 1823 19 George
indexed - S 1824 31 Agathe
M 1736 104/44 Madeline to Lemoine - B 1825 46 Pascal
B 1737 110/325 Ignace x B 1826 70 Syriac
B 1737 111/328 Marie Agathe x S 1826 73 Pierre
B 1739 137/380 Marguerite Angelique - M 1828 125 Antoine to Mercier
B 1741 8/436 Augustin - M 1829 131 Marguerite
B 1743 3/497 Claude x B 1829 132 Adelaide
B 1743 4/502 Marie Elisabeth - B 1830 156 Jean
B 1745 4/570 Therese - S 1830 167 Helene
S 1745 5/180 Ignace x M 1831 2 Josephte to Asselin
B 1746 4/616 Pierre - M 1831 2 Marie to Dorval
B 1747 1/641 Marie Angelique - S 1831 11 M. Eulalie Hermune
S 1747 5/225 Jean - S 1831 13 M. Delvina
M 1748 10/100 Helene to Lacombe x M 1831 20 Julie to Bourget
B 1748 14/707 Agathe x S 1831 24 Stanislas
B 1749 5/754 Pierre Marie M 1832 30 Joseph to Gautron
M 1749 18/106 Marie Catherine B 1832 43 Narcisses
M 1750 9/128 Michel B 1832 53 Joseph
B 1751 11/858 Michel V. Lernard B 1833 76 Etienne Charlesmagne
B 1752 4/888 Michel B 1833 79 M. Henriette
S 1752 5/382 Michel M 1833 80 Vital
S 1752 5/386 Michel M 1834 108 M. Celina
M 1753 7/151 Joseph M 1835 112 Marg.
M 1754 1/153 Marianne S 1835 128 Anonyme
B 1755 3/1036 Jeane Francois B 1835 129 Pantaleon Domin.
M 1757 14/180 Jean S 1836 152 M. Malvina
B 1758 5/1204 Ignace B 1836 156 Antoine Edmund
S 1759 12/594 Marie Elizabeth S 1836 159 Ant. Edmond
M 1764 34/225 M. Josephte M 1836 164 Alex.
M 1765 45/240 Joseph Marie S 1837 172 Anna
M 1766 63/1589 M. Nicolas B 1837 175 M. Roses Philoniene
S 1767 76/816 Pierre B 1837 180 Genev. Honorine Justine
S 1770 92/868 M. Joseph S 1837 192 Frs. Xavier
B 1770 92/1857 Jos. Marie B 1837 194 Alexandre
B 1772 111/2043 Antoine M. M 1838 202 Luce
B 1778 155 Catherine S 1838 205 Jean
M 1782 169 Pre. M. to Goupille S 1838 206 Etienne Charlesmagne
B 1783 177 Pierre Marie S 1838 209 Alexandre
B 1784 184 Jean S 1838 213 Marcel
B 1784 189 M. Anne B 1838 217 Jerome Wilfred
B 1785 191 J. Marie B 1839 226 Elzear (Manuel Emmanuel)
B 1786 199 M. Anne B 1839 230 Marie Arthemise
B 1787 205 Laurent M 1839 236 Antoine
S 1787 206 Nicolas M 1839 237 Hubert
B 1787 207 M. Ursule M 1839 239 Constance
S 1788 208 M. Ursule B 1839 246 Vital
B 1788 214 Louis S 1839 257 M. Rose Philomine
x B 1790 5 Michel B 1840 263 Florida
x B 1790 5 Nicolas S 1840 264 Jean
- M 1791 12 Joseph to Forgues B 1840 266 M. Euphremie
x B 1792 17 M. Marthe B 1840 269 Ant. Norbert
x B 1793 28 Antoine S 1840 278 Antoine Norbert
x S 1793 30 Antoine B 1840 279 M. Henriette Aurelie
- B 1796 51 Joseph M. B 1841 29 M. Luce Olympe
x S 1798 63 Marie S 1841 29 Marguerite
- M 1798 66 Catherine B 1842 31(51?) Alex. Honorice
- M 1798 66 Ant. B 1842 38 Hemenegilde Tere---
- S 1800 80 M. Apoline M 1843 64 Adelaide
- B 1801 90 M. Marguerite S 1843 69 Louis
x S 1802 98 Pierre M. S 1843 84 Wilbrode
- M 1803 101 M. Anne to Simon B 1843 88 Frs. Adolphe
x M 1803 108 J. Bte. to Gautron B 1843 91(94?) Ant. Eugene
- B 1804 114 M. Marguerite B 1844 103 Ls. Benj. Achilles
- B 1806 129 M. Anne M 1844 117 Appoline
- S 1807 135 M. Anne M 1844 118 M. Elizabeth
- B 1807 140 Antoine B 1845 131 Elzear Leopold
- M 1808 151 Laurent S 1845 132 Elzear Leopold
- B 1808 159 M. Anne M 1845 138 Laurent
x M 1809 161 Jos. M. to Forgues M 1845 163 F.X. to M. Rosalie Lemieux
x B 1809 169 Joseph M. B 1845 165 Jean de Fr. F----
- B 1809 171 M. Luce S 1846 166 Jean de Facond
- B 1810 175 Vital M 1846 183 Adelaide to Rousseau
- S 1810 175 Anonyme B 1846 198 Narcisse Charles
x M 1810 177 Joseph to Roy M 1847 214 George
x B 1810 186 Josephte S 1847 229 Frs. Adolphe Exupere
- B 1811 13 Victoire S 1847 230 Anonyme
x B 1812 22 Julie S 1847 231 Narcisse Ludger
- S 1813 28 Anonyme B 1847 233 M. Olympe Adelphine
- B 1814 41 M. Adelaide B 1848 244 M. Hermine Olympe
- S 1814 41 Marie S 1848 253 Joseph
x B 1814 46 M. Angelique S 1849 271 M. Anne
- B 1814 52 Frs. Louis B 1849 274 M. Elise
- B 1815 55 Vincent x S 1849 279 Jos.
- S 1815 56 Magloire B 1849 282 M. Julie Adeline
- S 1815 56 Catherine B 1850 4 M. Francoise
- S 1815 62 Marie B 1850 5 Damase
- S 1815 62 Victoire B 1851 27 Geo. Joseph
- S 1815 66 Vincent B 1851 37 Damase Edmond
- B 1816 75 Julie S 1851 40 Damase Edmond
x B 1816 75 Pre. B 1852 59 Louis Honore
x S 1817 83 Joseph M 1854 77 Narcisse
- B 1817 84 Jean B 1854 89 Marie leontine
x B 1817 87 Hubert S 1854 92 M. Leontine
- S 1817 91 Julie B 1855 108 Narcisse Alfred
- M 1818 95 Joseph B 1856 120 Marie Jeanne
- B 1818 98 Appolline B 1856 126 M. Olympe
- M 1818 100 Helene to Morisset S 1857 130 Antoine
- B 1819 105 M. Constance S 1857 145 Constance
- B 1819 108 Louis B 1857 147 M. Victoire
x B 1819 109 M. Anne
- B 1819 119 M. Lucre
- M 1820 126 Marguerite
x S 1820 133 Angelique
- B 1820 136 Paul
- S 1820 137 Paul
- S 1820 138 Luce
- B 1820 138 F.X.
- S 1820 138 Mercelline
- S 1820 138 F.X.
St. Michel, Bellechasse Co., Parish Regs. 1790-1822 (SJFHC 242)
p5 The 8th July 1790 baptized Nicolas and Michel born this day of the
legitimate marriage of Pierre Marie Chamberlan and Marie Anne Goupille.
The godfather of Nicolas is Gile Gaspard and the godmother Marie
Elisabeth Dion. The godfather of Michel is Joseph Chamberlan and the
godmother Marie Joseph Nadeau.
p17 The 29th March 1792 baptized Marie Marthe born the same day of the
legitimate marriage of Pierre Marie Chamberland and Marie Anne
Goupille. The godfather Pierre Asselin and the godmother Marie Marthe
p28 The 13th Aug. 1793 baptized Antoine, born the same day of the legiti-
mate marriage of Pierre Marie Chamberlan and Marie Anne Goupille. The
godfather Antoine Chamberlan and the godmother Marguerite Foucher.
p30 The 16th Oct. 1793 buried the body of Antoine died 2 days before,
age about 2 months, son of Pierre Marie Chamberlan and Marie Anne
Goupille. Present Joseph Morisset and Joseph Nadeau.
p63 The 24th March 1798 buried in the cemetery of this church the body of
Marie Chamberlan died last night age 80 years and wife of Jean Baptiste
Monmeny. Present Joseph Martineau, Louis Lepard, Pierre Marie
Chamberlan, and Beaucoup Dautsis, friends and relatives.
p98 The 9th Oct. 1802 buried the body of Pierre Marie Chamberlan, farmer,
died today, about age 19 and son of Pierre Marie Chamberlan and Marie
Anne Goupille of the same parish. Present Amable Baquet, Alexis
Mercier, and Louis Couette.
p108 The 8th Nov. 1803 married Jean Baptiste Chamberlan, farmer, minor son
of Pierre Marie Chamberlan and Marie Anne Goupille of the same parish
and Marguerite Gautron, minor daughter of Jean Baptiste Gautron and
Ursule Roi of the parish of St. Gervais. In the presence of Pierre
Marie Chamberlan, father, Joseph Maried Chamberlan, brother, ...
p161 The 10th Jan. 1809 married Joseph Marie Chamberlan living in the this
parish, of age son of Pierre Marie Chamberlan, farmer, and Marie Anne
Goupille also of the this parish and Marie Joseph Forgues also living
in this parish, minor daughter of Michel Forgues consenting and Helene
Roy of this parish. In the presence of Pierre Mere Chamberlan, father,
Jean Louis and Nicolas Chamberlan brothers of the groom and Michel
Forgues, father, Michel and Jean Forgues brother of the bride, ...
p169 The 16th Oct. 1809 baptized Joseph Marie born the day before of the
legitimate marriage of Joseph Marie Chamberlan, innkeeper, of this
parish and Marie Joseph Forgues. The godfather Pierre Marie
Chamberlan and the godmother Helene Roy.
p177 The 10th July 1810 married Joseph Chamberlan, farmer, living in this
parish, widower of Marie Ann Fradet to Ursule Roy also living in this
parish, widow of Ignace Pilote. In the presence of Pierre Marie
Chamberlan, brother and Antoine Chamberlan, son of the groom and Michel
Roy, brother, and Joseph Clement, son-in-law of the bride.
p186 The 19th Dec. 1810 baptized Josephte born the previous evening of the
legitimate marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, of this parish,
and Josephte Forgues. The godfather Louis Chamberlan and the godmother
Genevieve Forgues.
p22 The 25th Aug. 1812 baptized Julie born the same day of the legitimate
B 4459 marriage of Joseph Chamberland, innkeeper, of this parish, and Josephte
Forgue. The godfather Michel Forgue and the godmother Marie Anne
p46 The 7th June 1814 baptized Marie-Angelique born the day before of the
B 4579 legitimate marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, of this parish,
and Josephte Forgue. The godfather Jacques Quirouac(?) and the god-
mother Marie Angelique Fortin.
p75 The 135h Aug. 1816 bapt. Pierre born the same day of the legitimate
B 4733 marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, of this parish and Marie
Josette Forgue. The godfather Pierre Mitivier and the godmother
Susanne Forgue.
p83 The 2nd April 1817 buried in the cemetery of this place Joseph
S 2218 Chamberlan, farmer, husband of Ursule Roy, dead two days, age 60 years.
p87 The 11th Sep. 1817 baptized Hubert born the same day of the legitimate
B 4799 marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, and Josette Forgue of this
parish. The godfather Jean Forgue and the godmother Margueritte
p109 The 30th April 1819 baptized Marie-Anne born the same day of the
B 4906 legitimate marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, of this parish,
and Josette Forgue. The godfather Magloire Forgue and the godmother
Marie-Anne Forgue.
p133 The 5th Oct. 1820 buried in the cemetery of this parish the body of
S 2340 Angelique, age 6 years, dead ____ ____, daughter of Joseph Chamberland,
navigator, and Josephte Forgue.
St. Michel, Bellechasse Co., Parish Regs. 1823-1840 (SJFHC 6813)
p18 The 1st Nov. 1823 buried in the cemetery of this place George, son of
S 2534 the legitimate marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, and Josephte
Forgue, died the day before in this parish, age 20 months<sic>.
p19 The 23rd Nov. 1823 baptized George, born the same day of the legitimate
B 5292 marriage of Joseph Chamberland, innkeeper, and Josephte Forgue living
in this parish. The godfather Pierre Denys and the godmother
Francois<sic> Dorval.
p70 The 9th Aug. 1826 baptized Cyriac, born the previous day of the legi-
B 5486 timate marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, and Josephte Forgue
living in this parish. The godfather Antoine Chamberlan and the god-
mother Riene Le Brunlesguils.
p73 The 21 Sep. 1826 buried in the cemetery of this place Pierre
S 2634 Chamberlan, old farmer, widower of Marie-Anne Goupille, died in this
parish 2 days before, age 77 years. Present Joseph Dion and Joseph
p132 The 18th Feb. 1829 baptized Adelaide born yesterday of the legitimate
B 5663 marriage of Joseph Chamberlan, innkeeper, and Josette Forgues, the
godfather Thomas Roy and the godmother Marie Theotiste(?) Bautran(?).
p279 The 27 Aug. 1849 buried in the cemetery of this parish the body of
S 3781 Joseph Chamberland, old navigator, husband of Marie Josephte Forgues,
3 days before, age 64 years. Present Eustache and Pantaleon Forgues.
p2 The 24th Jan. 1831 married Jean Baptiste Asselin, pilot living in this
M 1072 parish, of age son of the deceased Jean Baptiste Asselin and Marie
Patry of one part and Josephte Chamberland also living in this parish,
minor daughter of Joseph Chamberland and Josephte Forgue of the other
part. In the presence of Augustin Mercier, godfather, Charles and
Louis Asselin brothers of the groom and Joseph Chamberland, brother,
Michel Forgue, uncle, and Eustache Forgue cousin of the bride.
p20 The 29th Aug. 1831 married Jean Bourget, master pilot living in this
M 1082 parish, of age son of Charles Bourget and Genevieve Paradis the mother
and father of the parish of Ste. Clair, of one part and Julie
Chamberland, minor daughter of Joseph Chamberland and Josephte Forgue
the mother and father of this parish of the other part. In the pre-
sence of Charles Bourget father, Ignace Bourget brother of the groom
and Joseph Chamberland father and Joseph Chamberland brother of the
bride. Jean Bourget signed name as "Bourgette".
p24 The 18th Oct. 1831 buried in the cemetery of this place the body of
S 2884 Stanislas, legitimate son of Joseph Chamberland, innkeeper, and
Josephte Forgues of this parish, died the day before yesterday age
1 month.
Loiselle Marriage Index
Paroisses De Quebec:
St. Michel, Bellechasse: 1693-1904
Chamberland, Simon de Chartonnais, Ev. de Poitiers (Rene+Catherine David) +
Boisleau, Marie (vve Pierre Chauvin) Ste-Famille I.O.: 1669-28/11
Chamberland, Cath. (Simon+M. Boileau) + Michel Chartier (Michel+M. Magnie) St. Francois I.O.: 1688-11-7
Chamberland, Simon (Simon+Marie Boisleau) + Elizabeth Rondeau (Pierre+Catherine Verrier) Ste.-Famille I.O.: 1692-28-4
Chamberland, Gabriel (Simon+Marie Boileau) + Cath. Allaire (Charles+Catherine Lefebvre) St. Francois I.O.: 1694-3-11
Chamberland, M. (Simon+M. Boileau) + Frs. Laflamme (Herve(Bretagne)+Frse. Joseph) St. Francois I.O.: 1700-15-11
Chamberland, Jean (Simon+M. Boileau) + M. Paquet (Ve Robert Riviere) St. Jean I.O.: M. 1716-20-4
Chamberland, Ignace (Simon+M. Boileau) + Rondeau, M. (Pierre+Cath. Verrier) St. Jean I.O.: M. 1699-2-3
Chamberland, Ignace (Igance+M. Rondeau) + M. Gautron (Ve Claude Lefebvre) St. Valier: M. 1727-4-5
Chamberland, Pierre (Ignace+Anne Rondeau) + Josephte Fecteau (Nicolas+Frse. Mailloux) St. Valier: M. 1727-15-6
Chamberland, Jean (Ignace+Mad. Rondeau) + Marg. Defleur(Claude+M. Gautron) St. Valier: M. 1729-16-5
Chamberland, Jean (vf Marg. Lefebvre) + Frse. Matteau (Pierre+Scolastique Dussault) St. Michel Bellechasse: 1757-7-11
Chamberland, Mad. (Ignace+Mad. Rondeau) + Jean-Frs. Jasmine? Lemoine (vf Anne Mailloux) St. Michel Bell.: 1736-15-4
Chamberland, Jean-Bte.(Ignace+Madeleine Rondeau) + Josephte Barbeau (Jacques+Anne Bisson) Charlesbourg: 1743-10-6
Chamberland, Jean-Bte.(vf Josephte Barbeau) + Marg.-Frse. Rochereau (Jean-Bte.+Elizabeth Dery) Charlesbourg: 1758-6-11
Chamberland, Cath. (Ignace+Mad. Rondeau) + J.-Bte. Montminy (J.-Bte.+M. Bissonnette) St. Michel Bellechasse: 1749-20-1
Chamberland, Nicolas (Ignace+Mad. Rondeau) + Allaire, M. (Jos.+Anne Bidet) St. Valier: M. 1734-11-1
Chamberland, Josephte (Nicolas+Mad. Allaire) + Pierre St. Hilaire (adopt. de Jean Ruelland) St. Michel Bell.: 1764-30/1
Chamberland, Joseph (Nicolas+ Mad. Allaire) + Anne Fradet (Augustin+Genev. Lecler) St. Michel Bell.: 1765-14/1
Chamberland, Joseph (vv Anne Fradet) + Ursule Roy (ve Ignace Pilote) St. Michel Bell.: 1810-10/7
Chamberland, Pierre (Nicolas+Marie-Mad. Allaire) + Anne Goupil (Joseph+Anne Lacomble) St. Michel Bellechasse: 1782-6/2
Chamberland, Jean-Bte. (Pierre-M.+Anne Goupil) + Marguerite Gautron (Jean-Bte.+Ursule Roy) St. Michel Bell.: 1803-8-11
Chamberland, Ls. (Pierre+Anne Goupil) + Anne Plante (Jean+Anne Fortier) St. Valier: M. 1812-5-10
Chamberland, Ls. (Vf. M. Plante) + M. Clermont (Paul(R.O.)+Anne Deguise) Quebec N.D.: 1814-30-8
Chamberland, Michel (Pierre+Anne Goupil) + M. Poliquin (Jos.+M. Liberge) Quebec N.D.: 1814-5-7
Chamberland, Michel (Vf M. Poliquin) + M. Lessard (Antoine+Anne Gullet-T.) Quebec N.D.: 1826-19-9
Chamberland, Joseph-M. (Pierre-M.+Anne Goupil) + Forgues, Josephte (Michel + Helene Roy) St. Michel Bellechasse: 1809-10/1
Chamberland, Josephte (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + J.B. Asselin (J.B.+M. Patry) St. Michel Bellechasse: M. 1831-24-1
Chamberland, Joseph (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Josephte Gautron (Jos.+Josephte Mercier) St. Michel Bellechasse:
M. 1832-10-1
Chamberland, Pierre (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Henriette Paquet (Pierre+Mad. Pruneau) Quebec St. Roch.: 1837-14-11
Chamberland, Pierre (Vf. Henrietta Paquet) + Adelaide Boutet (Ve Barthelemy Poire) Quebec St. Roch.: 1874-22-6
Chamberland, Hubert (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Anastasie Dion (Jos.+Lse. Mercier) St. Michel Bellechasse: M. 1839-15-7
Chamberland, Adelaide (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Majoric Rousseau (J.B.+M. Monpas St. Hilaire)
St. Michel Bellechasse: M. 1846-6-7
Chamberland, Geo. (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Hermine Bouchard (Jos.+Anne Gagnon) St. Michel Bellechasse: M. 1847-8-6
Chamberland, Julie (Jos.+Josephte Forgues) + Bourget, Jean (Chs.+Genevieve Paradis) St. Michel Bellechasse: M. 1831-29-8